Course Overview

St. Andrews Old Course

The Old Course St Andrews is the oldest and without question, the most iconic golf course in the world with the Swilcan Bridge recognised across the globe.  Unique in so many ways, the Old Course lists “natural” as its designer having evolved over time rather than being architect driven.  The course has hosted The Open Championship on 30 occasions, far more than any other club yet it still boasts its reputation as an “accessible” course, although it may not feel that way given its popularity and difficulty in getting a tee time.

There are many unique features to St Andrews Old course that make playing it a memorable experience, beginning and ending with shots out of and into town.  In between are its hidden pot bunkers which litter the course and often cannot be seen from the teeing areas, seven large double greens which can result in putts up to 100 yards and of course the famous #17 “Road Hole” where you’re challenged to hit your tee shot over the corner of the Old Course Hotel. 


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Course Detail-St. Andrews Old Course